
Annual Leave: Permanent employees are eligible for an annual leave of 24 working days

( Casual Leave 12 and Sick Leave 12 days)


·         For the purpose of calculating leave accounts, “year” shall mean the calendar year commencing on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December of the year.

·         Leave, other than maternity leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.  Discretion is reserved with the authority empowered to sanction leave to refuse or revoke leave at any time depending on exigencies of the company’s work.

·         All leave must be applied for at least 3 days prior for approval to immediate manager and HR, with the exception of sick leave, which may be intimated verbally and post facto approval sought upon resumption of work.

·         Leave records are being maintained on the Employee portal. Employee must apply leave through Employee self service app or portal only.

·         There is no provision at this time to carry forward any unused leave into the next year or encash it at the time of termination.

·         For new joinee or person who has resigned, Casual/ Sick  leave are on Pro rata basis. If you have joined during the middle of the year say Jul 1, your leave eligibility will be 6 days casual and 6 days sicl leave applied on pro-rata basis from the date you of start of employment till December 31 of that calendar year.


Casual Leave

·         All employees may avail casual leave up to 12 days in a given year.

·         Casual Leave can be taken for minimum 0.5 to maximum 3 days.

·         There are no casual leave carry-forwards.

·         At the closing day of year any unused Casual Leaves will lapse automatically.

·         Casual leave is not encashable.

·         If you are availing more than 3 days in January itself, it can be availed and adjusted in the following months leave balance.


Sick Leave

·         All employees may avail of sick leave up to 12 days in a given year.

·         Submission of medical certificates of sickness as well as fitness will be required in case of sick leave exceeding three days.

·         An employee may take sick leave keeping the immediate supervisor and HR informed. The day the employee reports back to work, leave records need to be updated.

·         There are no Sick leave carry-forwards.

·         At the closing day of year any unused Sick Leaves will lapse automatically.

·         Sick leave is not encashable



Compensatory Leave / Off

Employees may be required to work on public holidays and / or during weekly off days. If such work is officially mandated in writing by either the Supervisor/HOD of the employee and HR, then the employee may be compensated with compensatory leave for those days within 1 month.

Public Holidays

Employees are entitled to customary paid festival and national holidays as outlined by the Company and the is shared through National and festival holidays list.

Subject to the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, women employees will be allowed maternity leave on full pay.

·         An applicant for maternity leave must give notice to the company supported by a medical certificate not less than 8 weeks prior to the start of the leave period.

·         Maternity leave may be availed in combination with other leave entitlements.

·         No pay shall be due or payable in lieu of unavailed maternity leave.

Public holidays:

·         Public holidays may be availed, as notified by the company at the beginning of each year (Please refer the list of Holidays.